Cigars Davidoff
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Cigars Davidoff
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Plasencia Cigars
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Plasencia Cigars is the reinvention of the cigar offering around the world
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Arturo Fuente
Best Cigars
Arturo Fuente cigars are consistently rated among the best cigars in the world
United States - Puerto Rico - Canada - China - Japan - United Arab Emirates (Dubai) - Taiwan - Hong Kong - United Kingdom - Australia - New Zealand
Spain - Greece - Portugal - Kuwait - Lebanon - Saudi Arabia - Qatar- Russia, All Central America and South America (Due to Laws and Regulations for the importation of tobacco it is not possible to deliver to these countries)
If you still need to manage a delivery in Restricted countries, you must contact us to manage a delivery via DHL.
Shipping is made to supported countries via: DHL - USPS - EMS EXPRESS
Delivery time: 15 to 30 days
All countries may incur tax payments for the importation of tobacco. If you require a personalized invoice, please request it via email after placing your order.